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Collins’ Bar is nominated "Best Innovative Bar in Central Italy"
Mix in Dreams is the contest launched by Compagnia dei Caraibi that aims to create the community of the most visionary Italian bartenders in the world of mixology: "To go beyond labels and product categories, experimenting with new forms of supply and consumption, looking at the future and exploring new feelings".
For the first edition, 80 Bars from all over Italy were selected: an opportunity for training, challenges, exhibitions and masterclasses where expert bartenders demonstrate their skills following the sound of passion and creativity, showcasing their technical skills. A unique opportunity to continue to grow and acquire greater relevance in the local community.
The award won by the Collins' Bar in Perugia is for "Best innovative bar in Central Italy", an award for the quality, variety and style of our two young bartenders, Alessio Balestra and Roberto Milanesi.